Don't Wake Up

In my opinion...
I had read an early preview of the first few chapters of this story & was intrigued by it. I mean, what an opening! Even better, the full novel did not disappoint. I couldn’t put it down, I was there fighting for Alex and the injustices she suffered.
As she starts to fall apart, it is horribly real, but as the reader we start to wonder, is our narrator a reliable story teller? Who should we believe.
Liz Lawler develops some great characters , based, I am sure, on people she has met during the course of her work over the years. I do not doubt that medical procedures are accurate, they certainly felt it! Also, it is nice to have people who are not all perfect, and I was relieved Alex had someone on her side.
A cracking story, the pace doesn't let up- perfect for the coming Bank Holiday weekend.
Thank you ReadersFirst and Twenty7 for my ARC
Want to know more?
Alex Taylor wakes up tied to an operating table. The man who stands over her isn't a doctor. The choice he forces her to make is utterly unspeakable. But when Alex re-awakens, she's unharmed - and no one believes her horrifying story. Ostracised by her colleagues, her family and her partner, she begins to wonder if she really is losing her mind. And then she meets the next victim. So compulsive you can't stop reading. So chilling you won't stop talking about it. Don't Wake Up is a dark, gripping psychological thriller with a horrifying premise and a stinging twist . .
My rating...
A chilling, unsettling five glasses. Loved it.