Have You Seen Her

In my opinion...
Yet another great story from Lisa Hall
Lisa, please stop writing books that prevent me getting on with the rest of my life?! I just saw a tweet that said you'd handed another book in. Sigh. Life on hold again...
This psychological thriller starts with every parents’ nightmare- when their child goes missing, except the person who actually seems most concerned is Laurel’s nanny, Anna.
From its dramatic and uncomfortable start on a dark bonfire night, the story races along.It is filled with unsympathetic but credible characters, all of whom I suspected during the course of the story as I was thrown lots of red herrings and was led down dead ends. The pace is relentless, and I found it too addictive to put down at night.
The final twist had me talking to my kindle( I don’t often do that)- well, I didn’t see THAT ending coming...
My advice is, carve out some you time or take it on holiday, just make sure you warn your housemates/travel companion not to expect much conversation for a few hours!
Want to know more?
Bonfire Night. A missing girl.
Anna only takes her eyes off Laurel for a second. She thought Laurel was following her mum through the crowds. But in a heartbeat, Laurel is gone.
Laurel’s parents are frantic. As is Anna, their nanny. But as the hours pass, and Laurel isn’t found, suspicion grows.
Someone knows what happened to Laurel. And they’re not telling.
My rating...
In spite of being sleep deprived and stressed through not having time to work, as I'm too busy reading..this has a full to the brim 5 glasses of bubbles!
