The Dilemma

In my opinion...
The publicity for this novel describes it as a step- change for BA Paris, away from her previous psychological thrillers- and how successfully she carries this off, with never a missed beat.
What a dilemma- this novel is a powerful story of misunderstandings and love that flies without a break, trying to do the right thing for someone else.
The story is told from two viewpoints- Adam and Livia’s , over the course of a day. They both have immense secrets, and the agony the couple experience is unrelenting. Misunderstandings and misinterpretations abound, in their all too realistic world.
I was totally caught up and involved from the opening pages, dialogue is convincing and natural, as are all the well drawn characters.
I don’t want to include any spoilers, but I felt emotionally drained, read it very rapidly and was disappointed that I’d finished it with still an hour to run in my flight! A great start to the new year.
So, the final dilemma- should we always tell the truth? Just who are we protecting?
Want to know more?
It’s Livia’s 40th birthday and she’s having the party of a lifetime to make up for the wedding she never had. Everyone she loves will be there except her daughter Marnie, who’s studying abroad. But although Livia loves Marnie, she’s secretly glad she won’t be at the party. She needs to tell Adam something about their daughter but she’s waiting until the party is over so they can have this last happy time together.
Adam wants everything to be perfect for Livia so he’s secretly arranged for Marnie to come home and surprise her on her birthday. During the day, he hears some terrible news. He needs to tell Livia, because how can the party go on? But she’s so happy, so excited – and the guests are about to arrive.
The Dilemma – how far would you go to give someone you love a last few hours of happiness?
My rating...