One Last Secret by Adele Parks

In my opinion...
For some very strange reason this review has lived in my drafts for a long time & only now, as the latest Adele Parks novel is about to be unleashed, have I realised that I didn't comment on the previous one. Unacceptable.
Sorry Ms Parks!
To be honest , how many more superlatives can I add to the already full pot? This author is deservedly so popular, as novel after novel she writes something different, unpredictable & challenging.
Certainly I did find the subject matter rather challenging & very uncomfortable. I suspect Ms Parks has led a very colourful life as she always gets under the skin of her story whether it be gambling, addiction or the life of a sex worker- or, more likely, just extremely good at research. She hooks you, you're fascinated, dragged in & off you go.
As always, the story moves at great pace with twists that make it hard to put down. If you haven't read it yet, set some time aside, read it & then put 17 August in your diary ready for this year's novel 'Just Between Us', I can't wait!
Want to know more?
One last client
A week at a beautiful French chateau should be an easy final job for Dora. She’s smart, stunning and discreet. She only needs to convince the other guests that she’s Daniel’s girlfriend.
One last chance One final, luxurious week and she can leave the dangerous, difficult escort world, because Dora has fallen in love and is ready to embrace a better future.
One last secret But as the guests assemble, it becomes terrifyingly apparent that putting her past behind her is impossible. And one last secret could cost Dora everything, including her life…
From the Sunday Times Number One bestseller Adele Parks comes a blisteringly provocative novel about power, sex, money and revenge.
My rating
A full to the brim 5 glasses of bubbles, along with many congratulations to the author on the award of an MBE for services to literature in 2022.

Thank you HQ & NetGalley for my copy of this novel.