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Our Holiday by Louise Candlish

In my opinion...

Once again Louise Candlish does not disappoint.

If you've yet to go on holiday, this novel will grab your attention and help you to drift through the airport noise and delays.

If you've already been on holiday, it will make you think longingly back to those sunny days of summer when you could put everyday life on hold.

Louise pulls together a great cast of characters and then proceeds to manipulate the reader in a most even handed way, so we see first one side of the story, then the other. And it's not comfortable.

Her knowledge of current social media trends, language and attitude of the 'youth' in the story is totally convincing. As is her insight into the highly aspirational and complacent adults.

Who really is the most flawed.

This novel was addictive reading and hard to put down. It was great to recently attend a session at Bury St Edmunds library where Louise was a guest and gain more insight into her research and inspiration for her many novels.

Want to know more?

Charlotte and Perry long for summers at Cliff View, their gorgeous holiday home overlooking the turquoise waters of Pine Ridge. And now that city friends Amy and Linus have bought a property nearby, they plan lazy weeks of sun, sea and sipping rosé on Charlotte’s summerhouse veranda.

But there’s trouble in paradise…

A rising tide of resentment towards second-home owners is heading their way and small acts of criminal damage are escalating into something more menacing. By the end of the summer, families and friendships will be torn apart and Pine Ridge will be known for more than its sun-drenched beaches.

It will be known for murder…

My rating....

This novel was a full to the brim five bubbly glasses of enjoyment, already looking forward to the next one...



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