The Spirit of the Horse by Pam Billinge

In my opinion...
A very different & human ( or should that be equine?) tale.
I wasn’t really sure what to expect- & much as I love horses, and in the past devoured every magazine, book and tv programme that was available, I wasn’t convinced this would be for me.
But gently and slowly, somewhat like Pam's treatment of her clients & her horses, I was won over.
The stories she tells are varied, the timeframe goes from one location to another, emotions move from sadness to success via caring and empathy.
In fact this book was truly fascinating, at times even tense- particularly the scene with Winston & the nail- I could barely read it as I had my hands over my eyes!
The Spirit of the Horse is both inspiring and hopeful- which we could all do with a little bit of at the moment.
Thank you : @BlackbirdDigitalBooks for sharing with me
Want to know more?
When Pam follows her dream to a farmhouse with five acres in northern France, she is able to live alongside her horses for the first time. Here, in the heart of nature, deeper insights are revealed into the healing connection between horse and human and the incredible power of presence to transform. Might it be that learning to honour and communicate with another species helps us to reframe the way we perceive each other, as well as how we might see ourselves?
My rating ...
A harmonious 4 glasses
